Overview of the 2016-2017 operating year, ending at August 31, 2017

Info-Excavation has ended its operating year with a high increase in locate requests.

Excavating work started earlier than usual. Indeed, excavating work has known a steep increase as early as the end of March, with sustainable growth throughout the operating year. The volume of locate requests in Quebec nearly reached 255, 000, an increase of 11% compared to the same period last year.

If we add to this number the 30,000 locate requests from the Atlantic Provinces, the total of locate requests processed by Info-Excavation is close to 290,000.

Not surprisingly, May was the month with the most locate requests made. However, the most notable aspect is that June, July and August have also known a strong increase, compared to the number of locate requests made during the same period last year.

The use of electronic media remains the preferred method for making locate requests as more than 90% of requests were created using our Web portal or mobile application.

The regions of Montréal, Montérégie, Québec and Lanaudière have experienced significant increases in locate requests. Drilling operations followed by sidewalk and sewer constructions are the key activities that have shown a substantial growth.

It is interesting to note that the number of engineering request has increased. This leads us to believe that people are more conscious of the need to make planned excavation work, which is the first step in reducing damages to underground infrastructures.

As we have done in the last few years, we have provided technological solutions that offer a quicker way for processing locate requests. Furthermore, we’re developing innovative solutions for the forthcoming season.

Info-Excavation encourages you to continue to make locate requests for all your excavation work or ground disturbance. Don’t take any risk, always make locate requests. It is offered free of charge. The cost incurred and the various impacts that arise from damages provide further justification for taking a few minutes to make a locate request.

In Quebec, there are more than 4,5 damages reported daily, jeopardizing the lives of workers and citizens, as well as our environment. Don’t make the headlines! Be the one that makes a locate request.