Heavy machinery rental centers, in partnership with Info-Excavation, want to educate their customers about responsible and safe excavation as indicated by the Safety Code (article 3.15.1). It is essential to be informed before digging. Underground infrastructures are everywhere so don’t take the risk and check with Info-Excavation before starting your work.
What informations are needed when creating the request?
- The complete area of your work.
- The total depth of the excavation.
- The work start date: make sure you know the start date, especially since it takes 5 working days before obtaining the response from all member companies who may be present in your work area.
- Work end date: this information represents the maximum period during which your locate request will be valid.
Make a Locate Request
Make a locate request quickly, easily and for free when you rent: an excavator, demolition hammer, auger, stump grinder, trench digger, utility loader with auger, screw piles, etc.
HomeownersYour property may have infrastructures buried underneath.Are you thinking of installing a fence, excavating for a pool, planting a tree or excavating near your house? A locate request will confirm if there are telecommunication and electrical cables, gas pipelines or other infrastructures buried underneath. |
CompaniesPrevent damages and dig safely!A locate request helps you know where underground networks owned by Info-Excavation’s member companies are located near your excavation area. It will help prevent accident related damages that could be potentially costly and dangerous. Doing safe excavation work is all to your companies’ advantage. |
Emergency Locate Request
An emergency locate request means that excavation work has to be done in order to restore or maintain essential services and prevent potentially dangerous situations. For example: Water infiltration and repair of essential services (Electricity, water and sewer).
Placing an emergency locate resquest
Important Informations
Following your locate request, if you are confirmed that you have underground infrastructure in your work area, some require a minimum lateral clearance distance between the excavation and the existing infrastructure. Take the time to carefully analyze the guidelines available on our site.