Details as to scheduled excavation start and end dates (only for the province of Quebec)
We would like to remind you that yesterday, a modification related to the locate request validation period was in effect. This modification will greatly benefit your operations:
- You may receive, during the course of your validation period, notifications indicating that there were changes to the initial answer. Sent by email, these notifications indicate that underground infrastructures were added within the worksite specified in your request.
- A notification will be sent 7 days prior to the expiration date of the validation period of your request, giving you enough time to renew it and complete your excavation work.
Remember that writing the start and end date as accurately as possible will have the following effect:
- Decrease the number of revalidation;
- Reduce the time spent managing your emails, which includes answers received from owners of underground infrastructures;
- Lessen the number of follow-ups and your administrative workload.
It should be noted that the period between the excavation start date and its scheduled end date written on your request represents the period in which your request is in effect, thus valid.
Writing irrelevant dates means that everyone involved in the process, Info-Excavation employees and members of underground infrastructures as well, won’t be able to offer the same level of service that you have come to expect.
Visit our tutorials section to learn more about how to make a request and a revalidation.