Please find below the list of contractors who are authorized to locate underground infrastructures according to your requirements

If you want to be added to the list contact us at [email protected].

Please note the following facts:

  • Info-Excavation does not receive any financial advantage benefits by having one of the following contractors listed below;
  • Info-Excavation assumes no responsibility in the event of any damage resulting from work performed by a contractor, whether the damages are caused to one of the two contracted party or a third party.



Partners in prevention members at Info-Excavation

Chiasson et Bourgeois Localisation To come
Détection S.N.J. Scan Inc To come
Détection Radex To come
GDI Géoradar Détection


All the province of Quebec
Inspect-Vu Inc Montérégie, Montreal, Laval
LBI Data To come
Promark-Telecon To come
Scan Plus Tech All the province of Quebec
Sécuri-Terre All the province of Quebec
Softex All the province of Quebec
T2 utility engineers To come
Foratek All the province of Quebec


Other Locators

Géophysique GPR International inc. Capitale-Nationale, Montérégie, Estrie, Montréal, Laval
Tremcour To come



Hawkeye Line Locators To come
Underground Consulting Services Inc New-Brunswick, Nova-Scotia, Prince-Edward-Island, Newfoundland-Labrador