Info-Excavation has written an information guide on preventive measures regarding the protection of underground infrastructures when writing an excavation bid.

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The Info-Excavation’s team worked with the collaboration of several of our partners to update this guide. We would like to warmly thank them:

  • Serge Boileau (CSEM / Commission des services électriques de Montréal)
  • Isabelle Danis (ACRGTQ / Association des constructeurs de routes et de grands travaux du Québec)
  • Jean-François Demers (MTQ / Ministère des transports du Québec)
  • Me Charlotte Deslauriers-Goulet (UMQ / Union des municipalités du Québec)
  • Tatiana Dotsenko (MTQ / Ministère des transports du Québec)
  • Marie-Hélène Gosselin (Ville de Québec)
  • Mathieu Pellerin (Hydro-Québec)
  • Guillaume Petry (Gazifère)
  • Me Tania L. Pinheiro (Miller Thomson)
  • Pascale Riendeau (Énergir)

The guide provides clarity on the importance of the client’s role during the planning and design stages, allowing him to integrate these clauses in his excavating bids. Generally speaking, an excavation bid identifies the nature of the excavation work that is to be expected. But they do not mention in which work context the excavation work will be done. The bidding document contains no information or measures that need to be taken to maximize the prevention of underground infrastructures and reduce the risk of damage.