The entire team would like to thank Denis Courchesne for his 11 years as president and director of Info-Excavation and his 19 years as a member of the Board of Directors. His dedication and commitment have allowed our organization to become a leader in damage prevention to underground infrastructures. We wish him an excellent and well-deserved retirement with the accomplishment of his personal projects.
We share with you Denis’ last words:
Hello everyone,
Today is my last day of work before my retirement. I have been in the job market for the last 50 years. My career started as a technician repairing audio-visual equipment for a school board, followed by 35 years at Bell in various management positions. In the last 11 years, I have held the exciting position as President and CEO at Info-Excavation. Throughout this journey, I have met extraordinary people, who occasionally have either confronted me, advised me or helped me in my work. Regardless of the role they played, I wish to thank these people for making me a better human being as well as a better manager. The time has come for me to bring this chapter to a close and start a new one. I am at peace with myself, while having many projects in mind… And that’s without counting on my wife’s projects!
To my successor Jean-Guy Côté: I trust that you will experience, if that is not already the case, the same passion that drives Info-Excavation. In the last few months, I have seen your implication and am optimistic that you will be able to bring the company forward.
I would like to thank you all for your presence. Rest assure that it will always be a pleasure to meet you if the opportunity arises.