
The administrative council is made up of 16 volunteers acting as ambassadors for damage prevention. Together they define strategic directions and take major decisions on behalf of the organisation.


Martin Gagné Dominic Sénéchal Pierre Tremblay
President Vice-president Secretary
Énergir Hydro-Québec ACRGTQ


Jean-Sébastien Bisaillon Claude Lehoux Frédéric Boucher
Assistant secretary Treasurer Assistant treasurer
Hatch Vidéotron Bell



Mario Barbieri Yannick Bouchard Natalia Da Costa Pacheco
Bell Vidéotron Enbridge Gaz Québec


Christopher Davis Serge Foucher Borhane Kouki
 Halifax, ATLCGA representative Hydro-Québec Enbridge


Caroline Lessard Jean Mercier Miguel Robin
Énergir CSEM TC Énergie


Lee St-Georges
Roxboro Excavation